diff --git a/ct/jellyseerr.sh b/ct/jellyseerr.sh index ba7dd6606..20c63bc15 100644 --- a/ct/jellyseerr.sh +++ b/ct/jellyseerr.sh @@ -55,6 +55,10 @@ function default_settings() { function update_script() { header_info if [[ ! -d /opt/jellyseerr ]]; then msg_error "No ${APP} Installation Found!"; exit; fi +if (( $(df /boot | awk 'NR==2{gsub("%","",$5); print $5}') > 80 )); then + read -r -p "Warning: Storage is dangerously low, continue anyway? " prompt + [[ ${prompt,,} =~ ^(y|yes)$ ]] || exit +fi whiptail --backtitle "Proxmox VE Helper Scripts" --msgbox --title "SET RESOURCES" "Please set the resources in your Jellyseerr LXC to 4vcpu and 4096RAM for the build process before continuing" 10 75 if ! command -v pnpm &> /dev/null; then msg_error "pnpm not found. Installing..."