From e6deb6c79a6048e3f8e52ca68ae87ebf97afb07e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: tteckster <>
Date: Fri, 2 Jun 2023 11:55:20 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Update

give the option to disable high availability in a non-clustered environment
 misc/ | 63 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 1 file changed, 43 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)

diff --git a/misc/ b/misc/
index 5a624b887..ecf8d2dea 100644
--- a/misc/
+++ b/misc/
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ msg_error() {
 start_routines() {
-  CHOICE=$(whiptail --title "Proxmox VE 7 Post Install" --menu "The 'pve-enterprise' repository is only available to users who have purchased a Proxmox VE subscription.\n \nDisable 'pve-enterprise' repository?" 14 58 2 \
+  CHOICE=$(whiptail --title "PVE-ENTERPRISE" --menu "The 'pve-enterprise' repository is only available to users who have purchased a Proxmox VE subscription.\n \nDisable 'pve-enterprise' repository?" 14 58 2 \
     "yes" " " \
     "no" " " 3>&2 2>&1 1>&3)
   case $CHOICE in
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ start_routines() {
-  CHOICE=$(whiptail --title "Proxmox VE 7 Post Install" --menu "The package manager will use the correct sources to update and install packages on your Proxmox VE 7 server.\n \nCorrect Proxmox VE 7 sources?" 14 58 2 \
+  CHOICE=$(whiptail --title "SOURCES" --menu "The package manager will use the correct sources to update and install packages on your Proxmox VE 7 server.\n \nCorrect Proxmox VE 7 sources?" 14 58 2 \
     "yes" " " \
     "no" " " 3>&2 2>&1 1>&3)
   case $CHOICE in
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ EOF
-  CHOICE=$(whiptail --title "Proxmox VE 7 Post Install" --menu "The 'pve-no-subscription' repository provides access to all of the open-source components of Proxmox VE.\n \nEnable 'pve-no-subscription' repository?" 14 58 2 \
+  CHOICE=$(whiptail --title "PVE-NO-SUBSCRIPTION" --menu "The 'pve-no-subscription' repository provides access to all of the open-source components of Proxmox VE.\n \nEnable 'pve-no-subscription' repository?" 14 58 2 \
     "yes" " " \
     "no" " " 3>&2 2>&1 1>&3)
   case $CHOICE in
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ EOF
-  CHOICE=$(whiptail --title "Proxmox VE 7 Post Install" --menu "The 'pvetest' repository can give advanced users access to new features and updates before they are officially released.\n \nAdd (Disabled) 'pvetest' repository?" 14 58 2 \
+  CHOICE=$(whiptail --title "PVETEST" --menu "The 'pvetest' repository can give advanced users access to new features and updates before they are officially released.\n \nAdd (Disabled) 'pvetest' repository?" 14 58 2 \
     "yes" " " \
     "no" " " 3>&2 2>&1 1>&3)
   case $CHOICE in
@@ -111,22 +111,45 @@ EOF
-  CHOICE=$(whiptail --title "Proxmox VE 7 Post Install" --menu "This will disable the nag message reminding you to purchase a subscription every time you log in to the web interface.\n \nDisable subscription nag?" 14 58 2 \
-    "yes" " " \
-    "no" " " 3>&2 2>&1 1>&3)
-  case $CHOICE in
-  yes)
-    msg_info "Disabling subscription nag"
-    echo "DPkg::Post-Invoke { \"dpkg -V proxmox-widget-toolkit | grep -q '/proxmoxlib\.js$'; if [ \$? -eq 1 ]; then { echo 'Removing subscription nag from UI...'; sed -i '/data\.status.*{/{s/\!//;s/active/NoMoreNagging/}' /usr/share/javascript/proxmox-widget-toolkit/proxmoxlib.js; }; fi\"; };" >/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/no-nag-script
-    apt --reinstall install proxmox-widget-toolkit &>/dev/null
-    msg_ok "Disabled subscription nag (Delete browser cache)"
-    ;;
-  no)
-    msg_error "Selected no to Disabling subscription nag"
-    ;;
-  esac
+  if [[ ! -f /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/no-nag-script ]]; then
+    CHOICE=$(whiptail --title "SUBSCRIPTION NAG" --menu "This will disable the nag message reminding you to purchase a subscription every time you log in to the web interface.\n \nDisable subscription nag?" 14 58 2 \
+      "yes" " " \
+      "no" " " 3>&2 2>&1 1>&3)
+    case $CHOICE in
+    yes)
+      msg_info "Disabling subscription nag"
+      echo "DPkg::Post-Invoke { \"dpkg -V proxmox-widget-toolkit | grep -q '/proxmoxlib\.js$'; if [ \$? -eq 1 ]; then { echo 'Removing subscription nag from UI...'; sed -i '/data\.status.*{/{s/\!//;s/active/NoMoreNagging/}' /usr/share/javascript/proxmox-widget-toolkit/proxmoxlib.js; }; fi\"; };" >/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/no-nag-script
+      apt --reinstall install proxmox-widget-toolkit &>/dev/null
+      msg_ok "Disabled subscription nag (Delete browser cache)"
+      ;;
+    no)
+      msg_error "Selected no to Disabling subscription nag"
+      ;;
+    esac
+  fi
-  CHOICE=$(whiptail --title "Proxmox VE 7 Post Install" --menu "\nUpdate Proxmox VE 7 now?" 11 58 2 \
+  if systemctl is-active --quiet pve-ha-lrm; then
+    CHOICE=$(whiptail --title "HIGH AVAILABILITY" --menu "If you plan to utilize a single node instead of a clustered environment, you can disable unnecessary high availability (HA) services, thus reclaiming system resources.\n\nIf HA becomes necessary at a later stage, the services can be re-enabled.\n\nDisable high availability?" 18 58 2 \
+      "yes" " " \
+      "no" " " 3>&2 2>&1 1>&3)
+    case $CHOICE in
+    yes)
+      msg_info "Disabling high availability"
+      systemctl stop pve-ha-lrm
+      systemctl disable pve-ha-lrm &>/dev/null
+      systemctl stop pve-ha-crm
+      systemctl disable pve-ha-crm &>/dev/null
+      systemctl stop corosync
+      systemctl disable corosync &>/dev/null
+      msg_ok "Disabled high availability"
+      ;;
+    no)
+      msg_error "Selected no to Disabling high availability"
+      ;;
+    esac
+  fi
+  CHOICE=$(whiptail --title "UPDATE" --menu "\nUpdate Proxmox VE 7 now?" 11 58 2 \
     "yes" " " \
     "no" " " 3>&2 2>&1 1>&3)
   case $CHOICE in
@@ -178,7 +201,7 @@ EOF
-  CHOICE=$(whiptail --title "Proxmox VE 7 Post Install" --menu "\nReboot Proxmox VE 7 now? (recommended)" 11 58 2 \
+  CHOICE=$(whiptail --title "REBOOT" --menu "\nReboot Proxmox VE 7 now? (recommended)" 11 58 2 \
     "yes" " " \
     "no" " " 3>&2 2>&1 1>&3)
   case $CHOICE in