name: Run Scripts on PVE Node for testing permissions: pull-requests: write on: pull_request_target: branches: - main paths: - 'install/**.sh' - 'ct/**.sh' jobs: run-install-script: runs-on: pvenode steps: - name: Checkout PR branch uses: actions/checkout@v4 with: ref: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.ref }} repository: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name }} fetch-depth: 0 - name: Add Git safe directory run: | git config --global --add /__w/ProxmoxVE/ProxmoxVE - name: Set up GH_TOKEN env: GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} run: | echo "GH_TOKEN=${GH_TOKEN}" >> $GITHUB_ENV - name: Get Changed Files run: | CHANGED_FILES=$(gh pr diff ${{ github.event.pull_request.number }} --repo ${{ github.repository }} --name-only) CHANGED_FILES=$(echo "$CHANGED_FILES" | tr '\n' ' ') echo "Changed files: $CHANGED_FILES" echo "SCRIPT=$CHANGED_FILES" >> $GITHUB_ENV env: GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} - name: Get scripts id: check-install-script run: | ALL_FILES=() ADDED_FILES=() for FILE in ${{ env.SCRIPT }}; do if [[ $FILE =~ ^install/.*-install\.sh$ ]] || [[ $FILE =~ ^ct/.*\.sh$ ]]; then STRIPPED_NAME=$(basename "$FILE" | sed 's/-install//' | sed 's/\.sh$//') if [[ ! " ${ADDED_FILES[@]} " =~ " $STRIPPED_NAME " ]]; then ALL_FILES+=("$FILE") ADDED_FILES+=("$STRIPPED_NAME") # Mark this base file as added (without the path) fi fi done ALL_FILES=$(echo "${ALL_FILES[@]}" | xargs) echo "$ALL_FILES" echo "ALL_FILES=$ALL_FILES" >> $GITHUB_ENV - name: Run scripts id: run-install continue-on-error: true run: | set +e #run for each files in /ct for FILE in ${{ env.ALL_FILES }}; do STRIPPED_NAME=$(basename "$FILE" | sed 's/-install//' | sed 's/\.sh$//') echo "Running Test for: $STRIPPED_NAME" if [[ $FILE =~ ^install/.*-install\.sh$ ]]; then CT_SCRIPT="ct/$" echo $CT_SCRIPT if [[ ! -f $CT_SCRIPT ]]; then echo "No CT script found for $STRIPPED_NAME" ERROR_MSG="No CT script found for $FILE" RUN=false fi echo "Found CT script for $STRIPPED_NAME" chmod +x "$CT_SCRIPT" RUNNING_FILE=$CT_SCRIPT elif [[ $FILE =~ ^ct/.*\.sh$ ]]; then INSTALL_SCRIPT="install/$" if [[ ! -f $INSTALL_SCRIPT ]]; then echo "No install script found for $STRIPPED_NAME" ERROR_MSG="No install script found for $FILE" RUN=false fi echo "Found install script for $STRIPPED_NAME" chmod +x "$INSTALL_SCRIPT" RUNNING_FILE=$FILE fi if [[ $RUN != "false" ]]; then chmod +x $RUNNING_FILE sed -i 's|source <(curl -s|source <(curl -s|g' "$RUNNING_FILE" echo "Executing $RUNNING_FILE" ERROR_MSG=$(./$RUNNING_FILE 2>&1 > /dev/null) echo "Finished running $FILE" fi if [ -n "$ERROR_MSG" ]; then echo "ERROR in $STRIPPED_NAME: $ERROR_MSG" echo "$ERROR_MSG" > result_$STRIPPED_NAME.log fi done set -e # Restore exit-on-error - name: Cleanup PVE Node run: | containers=$(pct list | tail -n +2 | awk '{print $0 " " $4}' | awk '{print $1}') for container_id in $containers; do status=$(pct status $container_id | awk '{print $2}') if [[ $status == "running" ]]; then pct stop $container_id pct destroy $container_id fi done - name: Post error comments run: | ERROR="false" SEARCH_LINE=".github/workflows/scripts/app-test/pr-build.func: line 255" for FILE in ${{ env.ALL_FILES }}; do STRIPPED_NAME=$(basename "$FILE" | sed 's/-install//' | sed 's/\.sh$//') if [[ ! -f result_$STRIPPED_NAME.log ]]; then continue fi ERROR_MSG=$(cat result_$STRIPPED_NAME.log) if [ -n "$ERROR_MSG" ]; then CLEANED_ERROR_MSG=$(echo "$ERROR_MSG" | sed "s|$SEARCH_LINE.*||") echo "Posting error message for $FILE" echo ${CLEANED_ERROR_MSG} gh pr comment ${{ github.event.pull_request.number }} \ --repo ${{ github.repository }} \ --body ":warning: The script _**$FILE**_ failed with the following message:
" ERROR="true" fi done echo "ERROR=$ERROR" >> $GITHUB_ENV env: GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} - name: Fail if error if: ${{ env.ERROR == 'true' }} run: exit 1