#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright (c) 2021-2025 tteck # Author: tteck (tteckster) # License: MIT # https://github.com/community-scripts/ProxmoxVE/raw/main/LICENSE source /dev/stdin <<< "$FUNCTIONS_FILE_PATH" color verb_ip6 catch_errors setting_up_container network_check update_os msg_info "Installing Dependencies" $STD apt-get install -y curl $STD apt-get install -y sudo $STD apt-get install -y mc $STD apt-get install -y ufw $STD apt-get install -y ntp msg_ok "Installed Dependencies" msg_info "Installing Pi-hole" mkdir -p /etc/pihole/ cat <<EOF >/etc/pihole/setupVars.conf PIHOLE_INTERFACE=eth0 PIHOLE_DNS_1= PIHOLE_DNS_2= QUERY_LOGGING=true INSTALL_WEB_SERVER=true INSTALL_WEB_INTERFACE=true LIGHTTPD_ENABLED=true CACHE_SIZE=10000 DNS_FQDN_REQUIRED=true DNS_BOGUS_PRIV=true DNSMASQ_LISTENING=local WEBPASSWORD=$(openssl rand -base64 48) BLOCKING_ENABLED=true EOF # View script https://install.pi-hole.net $STD bash <(curl -fsSL https://install.pi-hole.net) --unattended msg_ok "Installed Pi-hole" read -r -p "Would you like to add Unbound? <y/N> " prompt if [[ ${prompt,,} =~ ^(y|yes)$ ]]; then read -r -p "Unbound is configured as a recursive DNS server by default, would you like it to be configured as a forwarding DNS server (using DNS-over-TLS (DoT)) instead? <y/N> " prompt msg_info "Installing Unbound" $STD apt-get install -y unbound cat <<EOF >/etc/unbound/unbound.conf.d/pi-hole.conf server: verbosity: 0 interface: port: 5335 do-ip6: no do-ip4: yes do-udp: yes do-tcp: yes num-threads: 1 hide-identity: yes hide-version: yes harden-glue: yes harden-dnssec-stripped: yes harden-referral-path: yes use-caps-for-id: no harden-algo-downgrade: no qname-minimisation: yes aggressive-nsec: yes rrset-roundrobin: yes cache-min-ttl: 300 cache-max-ttl: 14400 msg-cache-slabs: 8 rrset-cache-slabs: 8 infra-cache-slabs: 8 key-cache-slabs: 8 serve-expired: yes serve-expired-ttl: 3600 edns-buffer-size: 1232 prefetch: yes prefetch-key: yes target-fetch-policy: "3 2 1 1 1" unwanted-reply-threshold: 10000000 rrset-cache-size: 256m msg-cache-size: 128m so-rcvbuf: 1m private-address: private-address: private-address: private-address: private-address: fd00::/8 private-address: fe80::/10 EOF mkdir -p /etc/dnsmasq.d/ cat <<EOF >/etc/dnsmasq.d/99-edns.conf edns-packet-max=1232 EOF if [[ ${prompt,,} =~ ^(y|yes)$ ]]; then cat <<EOF >>/etc/unbound/unbound.conf.d/pi-hole.conf tls-cert-bundle: "/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt" forward-zone: name: "." forward-tls-upstream: yes forward-first: no forward-addr: forward-addr: forward-addr: 2001:4860:4860::8888@853#dns.google forward-addr: 2001:4860:4860::8844@853#dns.google #forward-addr: #forward-addr: #forward-addr: 2606:4700:4700::1111@853#cloudflare-dns.com #forward-addr: 2606:4700:4700::1001@853#cloudflare-dns.com #forward-addr: #forward-addr: #forward-addr: 2620:fe::fe@853#dns.quad9.net #forward-addr: 2620:fe::9@853#dns.quad9.net EOF fi sed -i -e 's/PIHOLE_DNS_1=' -e '/PIHOLE_DNS_2=' /etc/pihole/setupVars.conf sed -i -e 's/server=' -e '/server=' /etc/dnsmasq.d/01-pihole.conf systemctl enable -q --now unbound systemctl restart pihole-FTL.service msg_ok "Installed Unbound" fi motd_ssh customize msg_info "Cleaning up" $STD apt-get -y autoremove $STD apt-get -y autoclean msg_ok "Cleaned"