#!/usr/bin/env bash source <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/community-scripts/ProxmoxVE/main/misc/build.func) # Copyright (c) 2021-2025 tteck # Author: tteck (tteckster) | Co-Author: remz1337 # License: MIT | https://github.com/community-scripts/ProxmoxVE/raw/main/LICENSE # Source: https://github.com/janeczku/calibre-web APP="Calibre-Web" var_tags="eBook" var_cpu="2" var_ram="2048" var_disk="4" var_os="debian" var_version="12" var_unprivileged="1" header_info "$APP" variables color catch_errors function update_script() { header_info check_container_storage check_container_resources if [[ ! -f /etc/systemd/system/cps.service ]]; then msg_error "No ${APP} Installation Found!" exit fi msg_info "Stopping ${APP}" systemctl stop cps msg_ok "Stopped ${APP}" msg_info "Updating ${APP}" cd /opt/kepubify rm -rf kepubify-linux-64bit curl -fsSLO https://github.com/pgaskin/kepubify/releases/latest/download/kepubify-linux-64bit chmod +x kepubify-linux-64bit menu_array=("1" "Enables gdrive as storage backend for your ebooks" OFF \ "2" "Enables sending emails via a googlemail account without enabling insecure apps" OFF \ "3" "Enables displaying of additional author infos on the authors page" OFF \ "4" "Enables login via LDAP server" OFF \ "5" "Enables login via google or github oauth" OFF \ "6" "Enables extracting of metadata from epub, fb2, pdf files, and also extraction of covers from cbr, cbz, cbt files" OFF \ "7" "Enables extracting of metadata from cbr, cbz, cbt files" OFF \ "8" "Enables syncing with your kobo reader" OFF) if [ -f "/opt/calibre-web/options.txt" ]; then cps_options="$(cat /opt/calibre-web/options.txt)" IFS=',' read -ra ADDR <<<"$cps_options" for i in "${ADDR[@]}"; do if [ $i == "gdrive" ]; then line=0 elif [ $i == "gmail" ]; then line=1 elif [ $i == "goodreads" ]; then line=2 elif [ $i == "ldap" ]; then line=3 elif [ $i == "oauth" ]; then line=4 elif [ $i == "metadata" ]; then line=5 elif [ $i == "comics" ]; then line=6 elif [ $i == "kobo" ]; then line=7 fi array_index=$((3 * line + 2)) menu_array[$array_index]=ON done fi if [ -n "$SPINNER_PID" ] && ps -p $SPINNER_PID >/dev/null; then kill $SPINNER_PID >/dev/null; fi CHOICES=$(whiptail --backtitle "Proxmox VE Helper Scripts" --title "CALIBRE-WEB OPTIONS" --separate-output --checklist "Choose Additional Options" 15 125 8 "${menu_array[@]}" 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) spinner & SPINNER_PID=$! options=() if [ ! -z "$CHOICES" ]; then for CHOICE in $CHOICES; do case "$CHOICE" in "1") options+=(gdrive) ;; "2") options+=(gmail) ;; "3") options+=(goodreads) ;; "4") options+=(ldap) apt-get install -qqy libldap2-dev libsasl2-dev ;; "5") options+=(oauth) ;; "6") options+=(metadata) ;; "7") options+=(comics) ;; "8") options+=(kobo) ;; *) echo "Unsupported item $CHOICE!" >&2 exit 1 ;; esac done fi if [ ${#options[@]} -gt 0 ]; then cps_options=$( IFS=, echo "${options[*]}" ) echo $cps_options >/opt/calibre-web/options.txt $STD pip install --upgrade calibreweb[$cps_options] else rm -rf /opt/calibre-web/options.txt $STD pip install --upgrade calibreweb fi msg_info "Starting ${APP}" systemctl start cps msg_ok "Started ${APP}" msg_ok "Updated Successfully" exit } start build_container description msg_ok "Completed Successfully!\n" echo -e "${CREATING}${GN}${APP} setup has been successfully initialized!${CL}" echo -e "${INFO}${YW} Access it using the following URL:${CL}" echo -e "${TAB}${GATEWAY}${BGN}http://${IP}:8083${CL}"