#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright (c) 2021-2025 community-scripts ORG # Author: tteck (tteckster) | Co-Author: MickLesk # License: MIT | https://github.com/community-scripts/ProxmoxVE/raw/main/LICENSE function header_info { clear cat <<"EOF" _______ __ ____ / ____(_) /__ / __ )_________ _ __________ _____ / /_ / / / _ \/ __ / ___/ __ \ | /| / / ___/ _ \/ ___/ / __/ / / / __/ /_/ / / / /_/ / |/ |/ (__ ) __/ / /_/ /_/_/\___/_____/_/ \____/|__/|__/____/\___/_/ EOF } YW=$(echo "\033[33m") GN=$(echo "\033[1;92m") RD=$(echo "\033[01;31m") BL=$(echo "\033[36m") CL=$(echo "\033[m") CM="${GN}✔️${CL}" CROSS="${RD}✖️${CL}" INFO="${BL}ℹ️${CL}" APP="FileBrowser" INSTALL_PATH="/usr/local/bin/filebrowser" SERVICE_PATH="/etc/systemd/system/filebrowser.service" DB_PATH="/var/lib/filebrowser/filebrowser.db" IP=$(hostname -I | awk '{print $1}') header_info function msg_info() { local msg="$1" echo -e "${INFO} ${YW}${msg}...${CL}" } function msg_ok() { local msg="$1" echo -e "${CM} ${GN}${msg}${CL}" } function msg_error() { local msg="$1" echo -e "${CROSS} ${RD}${msg}${CL}" } if [ -f "$INSTALL_PATH" ]; then echo -e "${YW}⚠️ ${APP} is already installed.${CL}" read -r -p "Would you like to uninstall ${APP}? (y/N): " uninstall_prompt if [[ "${uninstall_prompt,,}" =~ ^(y|yes)$ ]]; then msg_info "Uninstalling ${APP}" systemctl disable -q --now filebrowser.service rm -f "$INSTALL_PATH" "$DB_PATH" "$SERVICE_PATH" msg_ok "${APP} has been uninstalled." exit 0 fi read -r -p "Would you like to update ${APP}? (y/N): " update_prompt if [[ "${update_prompt,,}" =~ ^(y|yes)$ ]]; then msg_info "Updating ${APP}" curl -fsSL https://github.com/filebrowser/filebrowser/releases/latest/download/linux-amd64-filebrowser.tar.gz | tar -xzv -C /usr/local/bin &>/dev/null msg_ok "Updated ${APP}" exit 0 else echo -e "${YW}⚠️ Update skipped. Exiting.${CL}" exit 0 fi fi echo -e "${YW}⚠️ ${APP} is not installed.${CL}" read -r -p "Would you like to install ${APP}? (y/n): " install_prompt if [[ "${install_prompt,,}" =~ ^(y|yes)$ ]]; then msg_info "Installing ${APP}" apt-get install -y curl &>/dev/null curl -fsSL https://github.com/filebrowser/filebrowser/releases/latest/download/linux-amd64-filebrowser.tar.gz | tar -xzv -C /usr/local/bin &>/dev/null msg_ok "Installed ${APP}" msg_info "Creating FileBrowser directory" mkdir -p /var/lib/filebrowser chown root:root /var/lib/filebrowser chmod 755 /var/lib/filebrowser msg_ok "Directory created successfully" read -r -p "Would you like to use No Authentication? (y/N): " auth_prompt if [[ "${auth_prompt,,}" =~ ^(y|yes)$ ]]; then msg_info "Configuring No Authentication" filebrowser config init -a '' --database /var/lib/filebrowser/filebrowser.db &>/dev/null filebrowser config set -a '' --auth.method=noauth --database /var/lib/filebrowser/filebrowser.db &>/dev/null msg_ok "No Authentication configured" else msg_info "Setting up default authentication" filebrowser config init -a '' --database /var/lib/filebrowser/filebrowser.db &>/dev/null filebrowser config set -a '' --database /var/lib/filebrowser/filebrowser.db &>/dev/null filebrowser users add admin helper-scripts.com --perm.admin --database /var/lib/filebrowser/filebrowser.db &>/dev/null msg_ok "Default authentication configured (admin:helper-scripts.com)" fi msg_info "Creating service" cat </etc/systemd/system/filebrowser.service [Unit] Description=Filebrowser After=network-online.target [Service] User=root WorkingDirectory=/var/lib/filebrowser/ ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/filebrowser -r / --database /var/lib/filebrowser/filebrowser.db Restart=always [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target EOF systemctl enable -q --now filebrowser.service msg_ok "Service created successfully" echo -e "${CM} ${GN}${APP} is reachable at: ${BL}http://$IP:8080${CL}" else echo -e "${YW}⚠️ Installation skipped. Exiting.${CL}" exit 0 fi