diff --git a/ct/influxdb-v3.sh b/ct/influxdb-v3.sh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..11572293
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ct/influxdb-v3.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash -ex
+set -euo pipefail
+shopt -s inherit_errexit nullglob
+NEXTID=$(pvesh get /cluster/nextid)
+YW=`echo "\033[33m"`
+BL=`echo "\033[36m"`
+RD=`echo "\033[01;31m"`
+BGN=`echo "\033[4;92m"`
+GN=`echo "\033[1;92m"`
+DGN=`echo "\033[32m"`
+CL=`echo "\033[m"`
+NSAPP=$(echo ${APP,,} | tr -d ' ')
+while true; do
+    read -p "This will create a New ${APP} LXC. Proceed(y/n)?" yn
+    case $yn in
+        [Yy]* ) break;;
+        [Nn]* ) exit;;
+        * ) echo "Please answer yes or no.";;
+    esac
+function header_info {
+echo -e "${YW}
+  _____        __ _            _____  ____  
+ |_   _|      / _| |          |  __ \|  _ \ 
+   | |  _ __ | |_| |_ v3___  _| |  | | |_) |
+   | | |  _ \|  _| | | | \ \/ / |  | |  _ < 
+  _| |_| | | | | | | |_| |>  <| |__| | |_) |
+ |_____|_| |_|_| |_|\__,_/_/\_\_____/|____/ 
+        with Telegraf
+function msg_info() {
+    local msg="$1"
+    echo -ne " ${HOLD} ${YW}${msg}..."
+function msg_ok() {
+    local msg="$1"
+    echo -e "${BFR} ${CM} ${GN}${msg}${CL}"
+function PVE_CHECK() {
+    PVE=$(pveversion | grep "pve-manager/7" | wc -l)
+    if [[ $PVE != 1 ]]; then
+        echo -e "${RD}This script requires Proxmox Virtual Environment 7.0 or greater${CL}"
+        echo -e "Exiting..."
+        sleep 2
+        exit
+    fi
+function default_settings() {
+        clear
+        header_info
+        echo -e "${BL}Using Default Settings${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Type ${BGN}Unprivileged${CL} ${RD}NO DEVICE PASSTHROUGH${CL}"
+        CT_TYPE="1"
+	    echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Password ${BGN}Automatic Login${CL}"
+		PW=" "
+		echo -e "${DGN}Using CT ID ${BGN}$NEXTID${CL}"
+		echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Name ${BGN}$NSAPP${CL}"
+		echo -e "${DGN}Using Disk Size ${BGN}8GB${CL}"
+		DISK_SIZE="8"
+		echo -e "${DGN}Using ${BGN}2vCPU${CL}"
+		echo -e "${DGN}Using ${BGN}512MiB${CL}${DGN} RAM${CL}"
+		RAM_SIZE="2048"
+		echo -e "${DGN}Using Static IP Address ${BGN}DHCP${CL}"
+		NET=dhcp
+		echo -e "${DGN}Using Gateway Address ${BGN}NONE${CL}"
+		GATE=" "
+                echo -e "${DGN}Using VLAN Tag ${BGN}NONE${CL}"
+                VLAN=" "
+function advanced_settings() {
+        clear
+        header_info
+        echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}"
+        echo -e "${YW}Type Privileged, or Press [ENTER] for Default: Unprivileged (${RD}NO DEVICE PASSTHROUGH${CL}${YW})"
+        read CT_TYPE1
+        if [ -z $CT_TYPE1 ]; then CT_TYPE1="Unprivileged" CT_TYPE="1"; 
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set CT Type ${BL}$CT_TYPE1${CL}"
+        else
+        CT_TYPE1="Privileged"
+        CT_TYPE="0"
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set CT Type ${BL}Privileged${CL}"  
+        fi;
+echo -e " ${CM}${CL} \r"
+sleep 1
+        echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Type ${BGN}$CT_TYPE1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${YW}Set Password, or Press [ENTER] for Default: Automatic Login "
+        read PW1
+        if [ -z $PW1 ]; then PW1="Automatic Login" PW=" "; 
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set CT ${BL}$PW1${CL}"
+        else
+          PW="-password $PW1"
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set CT Password ${BL}$PW1${CL}"
+        fi;
+echo -e " ${CM}${CL} \r"
+sleep 1
+        echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Type ${BGN}$CT_TYPE1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Password ${BGN}$PW1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${YW}Enter the CT ID, or Press [ENTER] to automatically generate (${NEXTID}) "
+        read CT_ID
+        if [ -z $CT_ID ]; then CT_ID=$NEXTID; fi;
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set CT ID To ${BL}$CT_ID${CL}"
+echo -e " ${CM}${CL} \r"
+sleep 1
+        echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Type ${BGN}$CT_TYPE1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Password ${BGN}$PW1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT ID ${BGN}$CT_ID${CL}"
+        echo -e "${YW}Enter CT Name (no-spaces), or Press [ENTER] for Default: $NSAPP "
+        read CT_NAME
+        if [ -z $CT_NAME ]; then
+           HN=$NSAPP
+        else
+           HN=$(echo ${CT_NAME,,} | tr -d ' ')
+        fi
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set CT Name To ${BL}$HN${CL}"
+echo -e " ${CM}${CL} \r"
+sleep 1
+        echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Type ${BGN}$CT_TYPE1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Password ${BGN}$PW1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT ID ${BGN}$CT_ID${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Name ${BGN}$HN${CL}"
+        echo -e "${YW}Enter a Disk Size, or Press [ENTER] for Default: 8Gb "
+        read DISK_SIZE
+        if [ -z $DISK_SIZE ]; then DISK_SIZE="8"; fi;
+        if ! [[ $DISK_SIZE =~ $INTEGER ]] ; then echo "ERROR! DISK SIZE MUST HAVE INTEGER NUMBER!"; exit; fi;
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set Disk Size To ${BL}$DISK_SIZE${CL}"
+echo -e " ${CM}${CL} \r"
+sleep 1
+        echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Type ${BGN}$CT_TYPE1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Password ${BGN}$PW1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT ID ${BGN}$CT_ID${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Name ${BGN}$HN${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using Disk Size ${BGN}$DISK_SIZE${CL}"
+        echo -e "${YW}Allocate CPU cores, or Press [ENTER] for Default: 2 "
+        read CORE_COUNT
+        if [ -z $CORE_COUNT ]; then CORE_COUNT="2"; fi;
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set Cores To ${BL}$CORE_COUNT${CL}"
+echo -e " ${CM}${CL} \r"
+sleep 1
+        echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Type ${BGN}$CT_TYPE1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Password ${BGN}$PW1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT ID ${BGN}$CT_ID${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Name ${BGN}$HN${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using Disk Size ${BGN}$DISK_SIZE${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using ${BGN}${CORE_COUNT}vCPU${CL}"
+        echo -e "${YW}Allocate RAM in MiB, or Press [ENTER] for Default: 2048 "
+        read RAM_SIZE
+        if [ -z $RAM_SIZE ]; then RAM_SIZE="2048"; fi;
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set RAM To ${BL}$RAM_SIZE${CL}"
+echo -e " ${CM}${CL} \n"
+sleep 1
+        echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Type ${BGN}$CT_TYPE1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Password ${BGN}$PW1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT ID ${BGN}$CT_ID${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Name ${BGN}$HN${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using Disk Size ${BGN}$DISK_SIZE${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using ${BGN}${CORE_COUNT}vCPU${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using ${BGN}${RAM_SIZE}MiB${CL}${DGN} RAM${CL}"
+        echo -e "${YW}Enter a Static IP Address, or Press [ENTER] for Default: DHCP "
+        read NET
+        if [ -z $NET ]; then NET="dhcp"; fi;
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set Static IP Address To ${BL}$NET${CL}"
+echo -e " ${CM}${CL} \n"
+sleep 1
+        echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Type ${BGN}$CT_TYPE1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Password ${BGN}$PW1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT ID ${BGN}$CT_ID${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Name ${BGN}$HN${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using Disk Size ${BGN}$DISK_SIZE${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using ${BGN}${CORE_COUNT}vCPU${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using ${BGN}${RAM_SIZE}MiB${CL}${DGN} RAM${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using Static IP Address ${BGN}$NET${CL}"
+        echo -e "${YW}Enter a Gateway IP, or Press [ENTER] for Default: NONE "
+        read GATE1
+        if [ -z $GATE1 ]; then GATE1="NONE" GATE=" "; 
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set Gateway IP To ${BL}$GATE1${CL}"
+        else
+          GATE=",gw=$GATE1"
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set Gateway IP To ${BL}$GATE1${CL}"
+        fi;
+echo -e " ${CM}${CL} \n"
+sleep 1
+        echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Type ${BGN}$CT_TYPE1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Password ${BGN}$PW1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT ID ${BGN}$CT_ID${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Name ${BGN}$HN${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using Disk Size ${BGN}$DISK_SIZE${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using ${BGN}${CORE_COUNT}vCPU${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using ${BGN}${RAM_SIZE}MiB${CL}${DGN} RAM${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using Static IP Address ${BGN}$NET${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using Gateway IP Address ${BGN}$GATE1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${YW}Enter a VLAN Tag, or Press [ENTER] for Default: NONE "
+        read VLAN1
+        if [ -z $VLAN1 ]; then VLAN1="NONE" VLAN=" "; 
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set VLAN Tag To ${BL}$VLAN1${CL}"
+        else
+          VLAN=",tag=$VLAN1"
+        echo -en "${DGN}Set VLAN Tag To ${BL}$VLAN1${CL}"
+        fi;
+echo -e " ${CM}${CL} \n"
+sleep 1
+        echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Type ${BGN}$CT_TYPE1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Password ${BGN}$PW1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT ID ${BGN}$CT_ID${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using CT Name ${BGN}$HN${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using Disk Size ${BGN}$DISK_SIZE${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using ${BGN}${CORE_COUNT}vCPU${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using ${BGN}${RAM_SIZE}MiB${CL}${DGN} RAM${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using Static IP Address ${BGN}$NET${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using Gateway IP Address ${BGN}$GATE1${CL}"
+        echo -e "${DGN}Using VLAN Tag ${BGN}$VLAN1${CL}"
+read -p "Are these settings correct(y/n)? " -n 1 -r
+if [[ ! $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]
+    advanced_settings
+function start_script() {
+		echo -e "${YW}Type Advanced, or Press [ENTER] for Default Settings "
+		read SETTINGS
+		if [ -z $SETTINGS ]; then default_settings; 
+		else
+		advanced_settings 
+		fi;
+if [ "$CT_TYPE" == "1" ]; then 
+ FEATURES="nesting=1,keyctl=1"
+ else
+ FEATURES="nesting=1"
+ fi
+TEMP_DIR=$(mktemp -d)
+pushd $TEMP_DIR >/dev/null
+export CTID=$CT_ID
+export PCT_OSTYPE=debian
+export PCT_OSVERSION=11
+export PCT_OPTIONS="
+  -features $FEATURES
+  -hostname $HN
+  -net0 name=eth0,bridge=vmbr0,ip=$NET$GATE$VLAN
+  -onboot 1
+  -cores $CORE_COUNT
+  -memory $RAM_SIZE
+  -unprivileged $CT_TYPE
+  $PW
+bash -c "$(wget -qLO - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tteck/Proxmox/main/ct/create_lxc.sh)" || exit
+msg_info "Starting LXC Container"
+pct start $CTID
+msg_ok "Started LXC Container"
+lxc-attach -n $CTID -- bash -c "$(wget -qLO - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tteck/Proxmox/main/setup/influxdb-install.sh)" || exit
+IP=$(pct exec $CTID ip a s dev eth0 | sed -n '/inet / s/\// /p' | awk '{print $2}')
+msg_ok "Completed Successfully!\n"