diff --git a/ct/homarr.sh b/ct/homarr.sh
index 3816ca6d..4f327ec7 100644
--- a/ct/homarr.sh
+++ b/ct/homarr.sh
@@ -56,24 +56,15 @@ if [[ ! -d /opt/homarr ]]; then msg_error "No ${APP} Installation Found!"; exit;
 msg_info "Updating $APP"
 systemctl stop homarr
 cd /opt/homarr
-output=$(git pull 2>&1)
-if echo "$output" | grep -q "Already up to date."
-  then
-    msg_ok "$APP is already up to date."
-    systemctl start homarr
-  else
-    if ! git pull; then
-      echo "Update failed, temporarily storing changes and trying again."
-      git stash && git pull || (
-      echo "Update failed even after storing changes. Aborting."
-      exit 1
-    )
-      yarn install &>/dev/null
-      yarn build &>/dev/null
-      systemctl start homarr
-      msg_ok "Updated $APP"
-    fi
+cp -R data data-backup
+git stash &>/dev/null
+git pull &>/dev/null
+yarn install &>/dev/null
+yarn build &>/dev/null
+cp -R data-backup/* data
+rm -rf data-backup
+systemctl start homarr
+msg_ok "Updated $APP"